
The website "Globart" showcases 3D replicas of artworks that are either no longer protected by copyright or are in the public domain. The contents of this Site, including all images and text, are for personal, educational, non-commercial use only, and may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of Globart. Please be aware that these images may not be downloaded, copied, linked to, or edited in any manner or form for use on any website, image gallery, clipart collection, printed product, or for any other derivative uses without the express written permission from the artist or Globart.

Third-Party Sources:

Please note that the 3D replicas showcased on our website are derived from third-party sources and are used solely for the purpose of providing information and promoting the appreciation of public domain artwork. While we strive to ensure compliance with their terms of usage, we are not responsible for any discrepancies or issues arising from their individual terms of usage. Users are advised to refer to the respective third-party websites for detailed information regarding the usage rights and restrictions associated with these assets.

Liability and Professional Advice:

By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge that we will not be held responsible for how individuals use our site or for any damages they may suffer as a result of the content provided. The information on this website is intended solely for general informational purposes and should not be considered as professional advice.

Content Providers and Augmented Reality Platform:

We collaborate with multiple content providers to offer a diverse range of services and information. However, we do not make any guarantee regarding the effectiveness or accuracy of their content, services, or products. Additionally, our website incorporates a third-party augmented reality platform to deliver our immersive experience. Please be aware that we assume no liability for any potential issues, malfunctions, or disruptions that may occur as a result of the third-party platform's performance or functionality.

Third-Party Opinions:

We want to clarify that we are not responsible for any opinions or thoughts expressed by third parties regarding this website. Any opinions or thoughts expressed on this website are not presented as facts but rather as personal opinions on various issues. Users should exercise their own judgment and discretion when relying on information provided by external sources. By using the website "Globart," you agree to the terms of this disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, please refrain from using the website.

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